S H I N D Y Productions / label - distro
Martin Brzobohaty
Sadova 17
679 04 Adamov
Sadova 17
679 04 Adamov
Czech Republic
V.A.T. ID: CZ7710063867
V.A.T. ID: CZ7710063867
cell phone/SMS: +420777666169
e-mail: info@shindy.cz
ICQ# 49270160
bank account information:
• to identify your payment please put the variable into the message field if you cannot use variable field directly
• the transaction fees has to be paid from your account, to do this, please check OUR option at the fees payment
Fio banka, a.s.,
V Celnici 1028/10
Praha 1
Czech Republic
V Celnici 1028/10
Praha 1
Czech Republic
IBAN: CZ9420100000002900665154
• to identify your payment please put the variable into the message field if you cannot use variable field directly
• the transaction fees has to be paid from your account, to do this, please check OUR option at the fees payment